Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Surprise & Disbelief

Surprise and Disbelief 


 Surprises and disbelief is an expression that we show/say when know/hear/see something that rather difficult to believe.

Expressing Surprise:
  • Wow! What a surprise!
  • That's a surprise!
  • That's very surprising!
  • Really?
  • What?
  • Are you serious? You must be joking!
  • You're kidding!
  • Fancy that!
  • I must say it surprise me
  • I find it hard to believe
  • Yeah!
  • It is
  • Yup!
  • Sure
  • It's true
  • I'm serious
  • No, I'm not
  • Does it?
  • It is, isn't it?
When you got surprising fact, you can say:
  • Do you know what?
  • Believe it or not?
  • You may not believe it, but.....
  • Can you believe this?
Example of Surprise:
Rama : Whose car is that? 
Bella : It's Nira
Rama : Are you kidding me? 
Bella : No, I'm not. I saw her riding that car this morning
Rama : What's surprise!

Expressing Disbelief:
  • I don't believe it
  • It can't be true
  • I can't think of it
  • I don't trust you
Example of Disbelief:
Ika : I heard the news about tiren. What is tiren, Rama ?
Rama : "Tiren" stand for "mati kemarin". It is chicken meat taken from a dead chicken. In other word, it is a corpse.
Ika : I can't believe this! How can people sell such chicken meat?
Rama : Some say, they want to get more bucks of money.
Ika : I don't think they should do it. They cheat the buyers.
Rama : More than that. They harm the buyers.
Ika : That's right!

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